The shame I feel is immense. It is consuming and overwhelming.
While I am still standing under the water, I remember that because of Jesus, I have no real need for this water--it's cleansing properties are only symbolic. It does nothing. All that is required of me is to ask, and I will be made clean; I will be pure. Shame has no place here.
Why can't I seem to remember this except for when I'm in the shower?
I think we as believers sometimes forget that we need to be washed in the blood of Christ daily, if not hourly, or even by the minute. Rather than repenting when we mess up and starting over then and there, we sometimes think well, today is shot. Maybe tomorrow. But we aren't called to live like this at all! We are commanded to repent, accept that we are forgiven, and take up our cross once again. This, however, does not make it acceptable to live in habitual sin. What I mean is, we cannot have a mindset that says, I know this is wrong, but I'm going to do it anyway, and then I'll ask for forgiveness later and start over...until I decide to do it again.
This is arrogance in its truest form. When we repent for the sake of repenting we are missing the point entirely. We should be filled with remorse over our sin. When we repent while knowing in the back of our minds that we plan on committing the same transgression again, it can be said that we are taking pride in this particular sin. In fact, chapter 5 of 1 Corinthians says that those who live like this should be "cast out from among you." If the church is aware that a member of its body is living in habitual sin without remorse, he should be excluded from the body, rather than having his sins looked over. Now, I am not saying that anyone who commits a certain sin more than once should not be allowed into the church. If a person is truly repentant and desires to change and seek holiness, of course he should be welcomed. We all struggle with specific sins, and we all fall short of grace, but what separates us is how we handle this. We cannot allow ourselves to simply live in sin, or to condone our brothers and sisters who do so.
Satan is sneaky and a great deceiver--he will target our weaknesses and use them against us to the best of his ability. Because of this, we have to continually allow Christ to wash over us and shield us from Satan's cunning. When we decide that the day is ruined because we messed up, we are letting Satan win. It's that simple. When we distance ourselves from God because we have sinned, we leave ourselves unprotected and at the mercy of Satan's games.
Suppose I wake up in the morning and take a shower. I step out of the shower clean and refreshed, ready to start the day. If, as I step out the door, I trip and fall into a puddle of mud, am I going to think 'well, too bad. I already took my shower. I suppose I'll wait until tomorrow and see if I can stay clean then'? Of course not! If I'm falling in mud you can be sure that I am marching right back to my room and taking another shower. Just as we pay attention to our outward cleanliness, we must also be aware of the state of our hearts. When something happens and our heart gets dirty, we have to take a "holy shower," if you will. What I mean is, we have to communicate with Jesus and ask and allow him to come in and make us clean again. We can do this as many times in a day as we need to, so why would we not? Why would we walk around dirty, when we have the option to be purified?
Don't let me fool you into thinking that I write this out of experience. I happen to be fantastic at allowing one mistake to ruin my entire day. But Jesus has faithfully made me aware of this pitfall, and I am learning that I must be diligent in my communication with him. He wants nothing more than for us to take him with us wherever we go. But when we allow a sin to consume us and fill us with shame, we might as well be leaving Jesus at the doorstep and saying Sorry, you can't come in here right now. Everything is a huge mess. Come back tomorrow. Do you see the irony in this? We want Jesus to wait outside while we clean things up, while he is the only one who knows where everything goes!
My prayer is that we, as his body, would be diligent in letting Christ wash over us throughout the day, and that we would not allow sin to discourage us, but rather accept that we are forgiven and receive that. I pray that we would not allow our pride to disable us; that we would clothe ourselves in humility and walk in righteousness.
Remember that when you feel filthy, the answer is as simple as a holy shower.
Lord, I want more of you.
Living water, rain down on me.
Lord, I need more of you.
Living breath of life, come fill me up.
--Shane Bernard, We Are Hungry--