While I am very ready to go back to school, to the dorm room that has become my home, and resume my routine, I have found myself rather discouraged and overwhelmed by what awaits me there. Or rather, what doesn't await me. I've been asked questions about school and my classes and my sorority countless times, by friends, parents of friends, relatives, everyone. My answer is always a variation of "School is great. I'm really enjoying it. I'm very happy there." It's not that this answer isn't true--I do enjoy school, and I am happy at UNT--I've simply left out part of the truth. When I answer their questions I leave out the part about how I'm lonely; how I spent most of the last semester alone in my room. The hard part for me is that I enjoy being alone. Of course I get lonely sometimes, but on the whole, I am ok with spending the majority of my time alone. Now, I say this is the hard part because, while I don't mind the solitary, I need to get connected, to make friends where I am and find a community of people that will support me and help me grow.
This next semester I plan on doing exactly that. I have no doubt that it will be difficult to leave my comfort zone and meet new people, but I feel that it's something I have to do. If I'm going to serve God and love him, I must also love the people around me, for they are his children, as am I. I have to learn to invest in other peoples' lives. God is teaching me so many things; I feel that if I share these teachings with other people, they might also be enriched and encouraged. I long to know the hearts of the people around me; I desire to invest in them, to have an impact on their lives in the name of Jesus, that he would use me to reach other people. But I don't know how this will ever be a possibility if I stay in my room, sharing my thoughts only on paper.
So, this being said, my goal for this next semester is to spend time with the people around me. To meet some classmates and join a study group; to spend time with my sorority sisters and support them in their endeavors; to cherish these last months that I'm living with Liz and use them to learn her heart and be an encouragement to her.
I don't think it'll be easy at all. But I do think that God desires me to do this, and my prayer is that ultimately I will bring him glory in doing so.
Whew. Here I go.
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