Monday, January 19, 2009

Goldfish and Added Resolutions

In reference to my last post, where I listed several of my resolutions for the new year, I listed Number 5 as "keep Tobias alive". Well. Unfortunately, to my dismay, Tobias passed away shortly after I wrote that. While I am aware that I can be rather hard on myself, losing a fish in less than 24 hours made me feel like a complete failure. I felt terrible because I thought that if I'd never bought him, he would still be alive. But I am moving passed this in hopes that Tobias new I tried my hardest to keep him healthy and forgives me for failing at that.
I am convinced that Tobias died of Ammonia poisoning. I looked up the symptoms of this after having read about it on a forum and they are as follows:
  1. Purple, red, or bleeding gills
  2. Fish may clamp, may appear darker in color
  3. Red streaking on the fins or body
  4. Fish may gasp for air at the surface of the tank water
  5. Torn & jagged fins
Well, Tobias' gills were quite red and he was definitely gasping for air at the surface of his bowl (I thought he was just looking for food!). A few minutes after he died he had purple marks on him from internal bleeding. This was the huge red flag. I felt terrible about what happened to Tobias, but was determined to keep a fish alive, happy and healthy!
So I read up on Ammonia poisoning and also on how to take care of a goldfish--I thought it might be better to know this time before I got the fish. Everything I read said that goldfish bowls are a common misconception; that is, a bowl is actually not a good place to house a goldfish. They are too small and without filters the water gets dirty and can make the fish sick. There is also less oxygen available to the fish because of the small opening in the bowl. And simply put, the fish needs more area to swim in than that offered by a fishbowl.
I felt new hope after reading this that, perhaps if I had a proper tank with a light and filter my fish would live better. So today I went to Walmart and found a perfect little 5 gallon tank that came with a filter, light, water purifier, and food for only twenty dollars! I also got some aquatic plants for the tank so that they'll help provide extra oxygen when they grow. Then I was off to Petsmart to find a new fish, that would hopefully come home with me and enjoy a happy life. Well, the employee in the fish department told me that the fish might be happier with a buddy, which is how I ended up with my two new goldfish, Chaya and Chael.
Setting up the tank was quite simple; the filter has little suction cups on it and all I had to do was stick it to the inside of the take. Actually the little hum sound it makes is quite comforting. It has a nice blue light that shines into the tank and soothes the fish. The plants are only bulbs at the bottom of the tank right now, and I'm excited for them to grow because they are supposed to get pink and white blossoms on them! How pretty will that be for Chaya and Chael--they better appreciate them. The two have been in their new tank for about six hours now and so far, so good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I won't be convinced that they're really ok and healthy until they've been alive for at least a week. I am embarrassed to admit that the longest time I have ever kept a fish alive is two days. I don't know what the deal is! But this time will be different. I am determined that Chael and Chaya will live long, happy lives. Unless of course something out of my control happens, in which case I will not take the blame. But let's just hope that doesn't happen.

Anyway, in addition to my new resolution to keep Chael and Chaya healthy, I've thought of a few more for my list:

16. Cell phone should be turned off during class--no exceptions
17. Pay close attention to budget and reconcile it online monthly
18. Work on loving all of God's people the way He does...regardless of how I feel about them
19. Be a better friend to the friends I already have

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