Friday, March 4, 2011

To See The World and Other Things

"When you are everywhere, you are nowhere. When you are somewhere, you are everywhere." -Rumi

I want to travel. I really, really do. I just haven't quite figured out exactly how to make that happen yet. The ambition and desire and readiness are there, however the money is another story, to say the least. And by that I mean I don't have any.
I think I have always wanted to be somewhat of a wanderer, however, with graduation and real life steadfastly approaching, my instincts keep telling me that time is running out--if you don't do now you'll never do it! I am fearful of becoming stuck in some awful boring desk job and never having the time or resources to do any travelling. In a perfect world I would be like Elizabeth Gilbert and Frances Mayes and Bill Bryson who get paid to travel and write about it (not to mention their writings are published in bestselling memoirs). If only.

I have found that there exists this mental/emotional conflict that grows inside me the closer I get to graduating. It just feels as though once this chapter of my life ends, my options as far as what I can do will diminish as well. Logically I know that this largely isn't true, but either way I can't shake this urgent feeling that I am running out of time. It is scary to think that I will graduate, teach my swim lessons, get a different job, and be there forever. Why can't I teach my swimming lessons, take the money I earn, and spend a year traveling...and worry about the rest later? Perhaps that's quite irresponsible but it's what I want to do. What better way to gain some writing material than taking time to immerse myself in other cultures and learn from those experiences? Right? Hint, hint Mom.

My main focus right now is trusting that God has a plan in store for my life, and that all I really need to do at the moment is listen and follow him the best way that I know how.

Also, if anyone wants to give me a present, I love the National Geographic travel guides. Just a side note.