"My butt sweats when I get nervous."
"When you were in the ICU, I took your picture.
I wanted you to see what you looked like, so that you might go into rehab.
I never showed you the pictures, you never went to rehab, and I never forgave myself.
I am so sorry."
"I lick the inside of microwave popcorn bags."
"I'm a cheerleader, but secretly I deal drugs."
"I drool. A lot."

"In elementary school, I started lying and telling everybody that I was allergic to peanuts. This is my first peanut butter cup in years. I had to eat in my car so my fiance wouldn't see. He thinks I'm allergic to them too."
"Sometimes I wish I didn't believe...so I could stop feeling like I am just disappointing Him."
"We haven't spoken since that night. It was an accident. I swear!"
"I wish I had not tried to grow up so fast. I feel like I missed some important parts of young adulthood.
He left me anyway."
"I miss you and I love you,
but I don't know who you are.

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