That being said, much has happened throughout this year-ish of off time. Namely, I began my last foreseeable semester of college yesterday. As exciting as this is, I've also found that it is doing interesting things to my emotions. And when I say interesting, I'm really just using a more flattering word for insane. I have been feeling a little insane lately. Sometimes I feel super-fantastic about where I'm headed, all in control and dandy; whereas other times it seems that crawling under a large rock and hiding until the rapture feels more appropriate. Point being, it's going to be a fun semester.
I am now teaching two yoga classes and a spin class at the UNT rec center, and so far I love my job. I mean hello I get paid to workout and help other people do the same. What could be better? Speaking of which, I'm going to get onto to my soap box now. Here I go. Stepping on. Do you currently practice yoga? If you answered yes, big hug, way to go! If you answered no, however, frown. Hands on hips. Why exactly not? Yoga is an incredible practice when done correctly and it offers so many benefits! I'll name some because I know you're secretly wondering behind the eye rolls. Strength, balance, flexibility of course, but beyond the physical realm also exist a deep sense of calmness and relaxation, happiness, and even a relief from depression if you happen to be dealing with that. Yoga goes far beyond twisting your body up into impossible poses (which I would never make you do). If you allow it to be, it can be a fantastic spiritual practice that assists the mind-body as a whole. If you're confused now, I suppose you'll simply have to attend one of my classes at the rec, or the next nearest class you can find. And cycle is great too. Okay, stepping off of soap box.
I plan to be around more often again. I've missed writing, and what better time than my last semester before real life slaps me in the face? None, I think.
P.S. here's a yoga pose to get you started. One of the classics. If yoga was the Bible, Downward Facing Dog would be one of the big, important books like Genesis or Matthew. You need it to get it. It's a great foundational pose that generally takes place

photo taken from