You don't know yet what you've gotten yourself into by marrying me--I admire you, brave soul! No but seriously, I will do my best to be a wonderful wife to you and I can't wait for our life together to begin...and I can say with confidence that neither can my mother. She will be so relieved when we settle down together.
I am praying that God continues to show you new and wonderful things about himself daily, and that your heart would belong to him always. May you seek unswervingly to serve him and bring him glory.
Thank you in advance for loving me. I can be a very difficult person to love, but know that I cherish you and will give you all of me and love you to the best of my ability.
I cannot wait to meet you. I long for the day, in fact. I wonder if you've thought of me yet? Are we unknowingly walking around the same campus every day?
I promise to be your best friend; to support you and love you and serve you the way that Jesus would have me do so. I promise to be faithful and honest with you. I promise to laugh at myself. I'll even watch football with you if you promise to watch my dumb shows with me. I promise to put only Jesus before you. I promise to learn how to cook one decent meal, if you will, too--that way we'll have some variety. I promise to give you my whole heart, leaving nothing out.
I want to laugh with you; to spend time with you doing nothing of importance. I want to help carry your burdens in times of pain, and dance with you in times of joy. I want to raise babies with you; to grow old together.
Though sometimes I wish we had already met, I am thankful that the Lord's timing is perfect and I will meet you exactly when I am supposed to. So for now, know that I am thinking of you. I love you.